What Is PAT Testing & What Are Its Main Benefits?

Electrical safety is a must for any business and the good news is that it’s relatively quick and easy to ensure that the electrical appliances you have on site don’t pose a health and safety risk.

Portable appliance testing – or PAT testing, for short – is the best way to give yourself peace of mind in this regard, carried out at regular intervals by a competent person with the appropriate level of training.

How regularly your appliances will need to be tested depends on what they are. Your equipment will be categorised as either Class I or Class II and there are different testing methods for each classification.

Class I appliances include the likes of microwaves, kettles, fridges and toasters, while Class II appliances are items such as plastic power tools, computers and hair dryers.

As a general rule of thumb, Class I appliances should be tested every 48 months, while moveable and portable equipment should be tested every 24 months. If you have handheld equipment on site, aim to test this once a year.

Note, however, that PAT testing requirements may differ depending on the industry you’re in and the kind of business you run, so make sure you do more in-depth research to ensure that you’re working within legal parameters.

The test itself involves a visual inspection of the appliance itself, as well as its plug and lead. Test signals can also be injected into the cable and appliance to verify that they’re in good working order.

Aside from the obvious enhanced health and safety standards, other benefits of regular PAT testing include preventing electrical fires, reduced insurance premiums, an extension of your equipment’s lifespan, cost savings and enhanced productivity thanks to fully operational appliances.

This is where a planned maintenance service really comes into its own, keeping a record on your behalf of when tests were last carried out and when they’re next due, giving you the freedom to focus on what truly matters… the running of your actual business. If you’d like to find out more, get in touch with the 0-Two Maintenance team today.